New loading zone for Huntly Ave?

Auckland Transport is seeking your views about adding a P5 Loading Zone (5 minute parking restriction) opposite 1 Huntly Avenue. The changes being proposed: Install a P5 Loading Zone, At All Times, opposite 1 Huntly Avenue. The existing broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) at this location will be removed; Install new signs […]

Park Ave parking changes proposed

Auckland Transport is proposing to install broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) parking restrictions on Park Avenue, Grafton. This proposal responds to concerns from Auckland University that parked vehicles are blocking access to the medical facility. These changes will involve relocating the existing approved shared vehicle parking to the opposite side of the […]

Consultation on new parking plan: Grafton Mews

RTV-283 - External Drawing

At the request of Auckland Council, Auckland Transport is proposing a new parking plan for Grafton Mews, Grafton. The proposed new parking plan will increase public parking by changing where people can park. This involves altering the car park on 100 Stanley Street from leased parking and timerestricted spaces to public paid parking and three […]

Should Grafton care about the City Centre MasterPlan refresh?

The short answer is YES! Every change to the CBD proper has direct flow on effects in Grafton. When the Southern Motorway was built 50+ years ago, it cut Grafton in half. When the CBD liquor bans went into effect ~15 years ago, many of the problems were exported to Grafton. When Auckland Transport’s Central […]