Mar, 20

Consultation on new parking plan: Grafton Mews

At the request of Auckland Council, Auckland Transport is proposing a new parking plan for Grafton Mews, Grafton. The proposed new parking plan will increase public parking by changing where people can park. This involves altering the car park on 100 Stanley Street from leased parking and time
restricted spaces to public paid parking and three P180 (3-hour parking restriction) mobility parking spaces.

You can download the consultation letter and/or the drawing for more information.

Tell AT what you think
This proposal aims to improve parking availability. But we know these changes may affect park
users and businesses in this area. So we want to hear from you. Simply complete the online
feedback survey by Friday, 27 March 2020.

Go online to
Click Central Auckland
Click Grafton Mews, Grafton – New Parking Plan

If you can’t get to our website or have any questions, phone us on (09) 448 7265. Please have
the reference number RTV-283 ready when you call.
Your feedback will help Auckland Council and Auckland Transport decide the final

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