The Grafton Residents Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday,12 April 7-8 pm on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Nominations are open for the Committee, including the three proscribed roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer as indicated in our Rules .
If you would like to make an nomination for Chair, Secretary or Treasurer; make an apology; or need the details of the Zoom call, please click this link to email our secretary at for details.
If you would like to join or renew your membership, please visit the membership page for details.
Do plan on joining us for the evening.
The formal agenda is:
- Approval of minutes (AGM 2020)
- Acting Chair’s report on the business of the Association
- Treasurer’s report on the finances and the Annual Statements
- Subs
- Election of Committee Members
- Motions to be considered
- Grafton Plan
- General Business
We’d love to see you online!