There will be a Special General Meeting of the Grafton Residents Association on Monday October 10th at Outhwaite Hall to discuss its future.
Following the AGM in August of this year, it was decided to hold an SGM specifically to discuss the future of GRA. Please assist us by sharing this information with your neighbours.
There are 4 options on the agenda for this meeting:
Option 1 – The Association continues with a new committee.
The rules of the Association require a managing committee comprising of
a) The Chair
b) The Secretary
c) The Treasurer
d) Minimum of 3 committee members
A committee member may hold more than one position as an officer.
With the exception of the treasurer, none of the current committee are available to stand for
election and there have been 2 nominations for new committee members.
Option 2 – The Association seeks to combine with a neighbouring area. Either assisting to
create a resident association, where one may not exist or combining with one that does. The
areas suggested are
a) Uptown – The new urban neighbourhood being created around the Dominion
Junction and the City Rail Link (CRL) and the Maungawahu / Mount Eden stations.
Has a business association but no residents association
b) Parnell. Has both a business and residents association.
c) Newmarket. Has a business association but not a resident association
This option still requires individuals to represent Grafton in whatever form this becomes.
Option 3 – We allow the Association to remain dormant until the new financial year being the 1 st
April 2023. The hope being that another group of Grafton residents will come forward to lead
the Association.
Option 4 – The Association is wound up and the funds are distributed as per the constitution.