Grafton Residents Association 2023 Annual General Meeting

Kia ora koutou, The Grafton Residents Association Committee warmly invites you to its 2023 Annual General Meeting on Sunday 20 August from 2pm to 4pm at Outhwaite Hall, Grafton. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. AGM Agenda Notice is hereby given of then intention to propose a change to subscription rates and increase the […]
GRA Special General Meeting Oct 10th

There will be a Special General Meeting of the Grafton Residents Association on Monday October 10th at Outhwaite Hall to discuss its future. Following the AGM in August of this year, it was decided to hold an SGM specifically to discuss the future of GRA. Please assist us by sharing this information with your neighbours. […]
GRA’s 2021 AGM

The Grafton Residents Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday,12 April 7-8 pm on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Nominations are open for the Committee, including the three proscribed roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer as indicated in our Rules . If you would like to make an nomination for Chair, Secretary or Treasurer; make an […]
GRA meeting for March 8, 2021

Kia ora Our email newsletter stated that the meeting may be moved to Zoom for either covid or weather purposes. We’ve decided to make a weather call, and move it to Zoom. The formal agenda will be brief; we’ll mention the Council LTP consultation and where to find info; we’ll mention the upcoming AGM and […]
GRA’s 2020 AGM

The Grafton Residents Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 7 June 4-6 pm on Zoom. Covid-19 restrictions have delayed the meeting, and to prevent any further delays and to protect those who are not yet ready or able to venture out, we’re moving it online to Zoom. Details of the Zoom call […]
February 2020 meeting of GRA

Please join us for our February residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 10th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road. For the agenda: Park West tour on Saturday February 15 at 11am. Predator Free Grafton – DOC training offer (see […]
October 2019 meeting of GRA

Please join us for our October residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 14th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road. There is one main topic on the agenda, and that is City Centre Masterplan refresh. (article linked here) It’s pretty […]
September 2019 meeting of GRA

Please join us for our September residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 9th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road. There is one main topic on the agenda, and that is Local Government Elections. (article linked below) It’s pretty high […]
August 2019 meeting of GRA

Please join us for our August residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 12th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road. Top of our agenda for the evening is Auckland’s Climate Change Framework, and how Grafton feels about it. Does it […]
June 2019 meeting of the GRA

Please join us for our June residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 10th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road. Top of the agenda for the meeting is the Age Friendly City consultation. This isn’t just about older folk. A […]