Kia ora koutou,
The Grafton Residents Association Committee warmly invites you to its 2023 Annual General Meeting on Sunday 20 August from 2pm to 4pm at Outhwaite Hall, Grafton. Refreshments will be served after the meeting.
AGM Agenda
- Welcome and apologies
- Allan Mason Address, Waitematā Local Board
- Confirmation of Minutes of the Special General Meeting, October 2022 (Motion)
- Matters Arising
- Chair’s Report (Motion)
- Treasurer’s Report (Motion)
- Election of Committee Members (Motion)
- Proposal to Change Membership Subscription Rates (Motion)
- Spring Community Clean up – Call for Volunteers
- 2023 Christmas Party Committee – Call for Volunteers
- Community Facebook Page
- Other Matters
- Close of Meeting followed by refreshments
Notice is hereby given of then intention to propose a change to subscription rates and increase the annual membership fee for a household membership from $20 to $25.
The Rules require formal notice of intent to change.
Call for Nominations for Election to the Grafton Residents Association Committee 2023
The Grafton Residents Association Committee is responsible for the Association’s strategic direction and management. The Committee meets every two months at the Liberal Catholic Church of St Francis at 27 Carlton Gore Road.
If you are interested in joining the Committee you have until Tuesday 15 August at 4pm to submit your Nomination Form to
If you would like to find out more about the work we do contact us on
Grafton Residents Association Committee Nomination Form
Grafton Residents Association Membership Form
Chair’s Report
The current Grafton Residents Association’s Committee was elected at a Special General Meeting in October 2022. Current Committee members are:
- Christiane Pracht, Chair
- Sascha Bailey, Secretary
- Kathryn Osborne, Treasurer
- Gabrielle Caeser, Rajeeva Gooneratne and Peter Onneweer.
As a Committee we identified the following projects as a priority:
- Updating the Grafton Residents Association’s website We have received a grant from the Waitematā Local Board for this project and are in the process of appointing a web developer to support us in this work.
- Replacing the Notice Board at 27 Carlton Gore Road on the property of the Liberal Catholic Church of St Francis. This project is supported by a grant from the Waitematā Local Board.
- Setting up a Grafton Residents Association Facebook page to provide regular updates on the work of the Association.
- Initiating regular clean ups of our neighbourhood by – for example – sweeping the streets in front of our houses and apartments, clearing debris away from the drains or weeding the small public flower beds around the neighbourhood. We received a grant from the Waitematā Local Board to hire skips so we can collect and dispose of the rubbish we collect.
- Organizing community get-together such as our Christmas Party or the Annual General Meeting. We received a grant from Auckland Council to help fund these events and for distributing flyers and posters around the neighbourhood to raise awareness of the Association and the work it does.
The majority of these projects required funding and we managed to secure a total of $9,527.80 through grant applications made to Auckland Council and the Waitematā Local Board.
We furthermore received funding in kind from Auckland Council which enables us to use Outhwaite Hall free of charge for our Annual General Meeting in August and our Christmas party in December 2023 and from the Liberal Catholic Church of St Francis which allows us to use the church hall for our regular Committee meetings.
Thank you so much to all of our funders and partners for the support you give us:
- Auckland Council
- Waitematā Local Board
- Liberal Catholic Church of St Francis
I’d especially like to thank our Auckland Council liaison Bevan Chung, Alan Matson from the Waitematā Local Board and Russ from the Liberal Catholic Church of St Francis.
I would also like to acknowledge the previous Committee who kept the Association going through the two Covid years which was no small feat.
Finally, a big thank you to my fellow Committee members Sascha, Kathryn, Gabrielle, Rajeeva and Peter for their work on behalf of the Grafton Residents Association and for so generously volunteering their time.
One of the first events we organized as a Committee was our 2022 Christmas party which was attended by around 40 people. It was a lovely opportunity for all of us to get together and to get to know each other and I hope we will see many of you at this year’s Christmas party on Sunday 3 December at Outhwaite Park.
Grafton Residents Association Chair’s Report
Treasurer’s Financial Report
Grafton Residents Association 2022/23 Financial Report
Meeting Minutes of the Special General Meeting
Grafton Residents Association 2022 Special General Meeting
Nominations received to date
- Christiane Pracht for Chair
- Sascha Bailey for Secretary
- Kathryn Osborne for Treasurer
- Rajeeva Goonerate for Committee member
- Peter Onewwer for Committee member
We hope to see you at our 2023 Annual General Meeting on Sunday 20 August from 2pm to 4pm at Outhwaite Hall.
Ngā mihi nui, thank you
Christiane Pracht
Chair, Grafton Residents Association
DRAFT Annual General Meeting Minutes
DRAFT Minutes GRA AGM August 2023