The short answer is YES! Every change to the CBD proper has direct flow on effects in Grafton. When the Southern Motorway was built 50+ years ago, it cut Grafton in half. When the CBD liquor bans went into effect ~15 years ago, many of the problems were exported to Grafton. When Auckland Transport’s Central Connector was devised ~10 years ago, traffic on Park Road skyrocketed. How will this Masterplan effect Grafton? Take a look and make a submission.
Council wants your feedback on the future planning of Auckland’s city centre. The City Centre Masterplan and the Waterfront Plan are being refreshed and combined to better reflect the city’s unprecedented growth.
The City Centre Masterplan refresh is a high-level, non-statutory document that supports the Auckland Plan 2050 and Auckland Unitary Plan.
Together with the Waitematā Local Board Plan, these documents provide the overall vision that sets the direction for Auckland’s city centre.
The City Centre Masterplan was originally adopted in 2012, setting out a 20-year vision for the heart of the city and provides a blueprint for future development.