A masters student at Auckland University is currently undertaking a Conservation Plan for Outhwaite Park Hall.
- What are some memories you have of this park?
- What role does this place play in your community?
- Does this place hold any social/cultural significance for you personally? Would it matter if it wasn’t here anymore / was replaced?
- What do you think about physical modifications that have been made to the place over time? How do you think change should be enabled in the future?
Please take a moment and answer a few survey questions at SurveyMonkey.
The researcher, Rebecca, would love to interview anyone who is familiar with Outhwaite Park. If you are interested, email the GRA Chair and it will be forwarded to Rebecca.
I can’t find any info about the hall. The history, design, style, epoch, nothing. I’m guessing it’s not before 1925. Looks sort of 30s but the area was neglected AFAIK until the 70s. Too bad. Is a great little park and hall. Is one bent sign there with some good info but not much online. The family yes, but nothing about the hall. I’m guessing (again) the Outhwaites had nothing to do with the hall.