Do you think Auckland is friendly and accessible to people of all ages and abilities? What would you change to make it so? Auckland Council wants to know. The Age Friendly City consultation is open now.
On June 13, the topic of the Auckland Conversations series is Making Auckland an Age-friendly City , led by Sir Bob Harvey. Registration for this event is required.
If you are wondering where all this came from, get the full story at the WHO’s Global Age-Friendly Cities Project. To quote the WHO:
What is an Age-Friendly City?
Older people face increasing challenges due to the sensory and other changes that age brings. In an age-friendly community, policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environment are designed to support and enable older people to “age actively” – that is, to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society. Public and commercial settings and services are made accessible to accommodate varying levels of ability. Age-friendly service providers, public officials, community leaders, faith leaders and business people:
- recognize the great diversity among older persons,
- promote their inclusion and contribution in all areas of community life,
- respect their decisions and lifestyle choices, and
- anticipate and respond flexibly to aging-related needs and preferences.
Many aspects of urban settings and services can contribute to the participation, health, independence and security of older persons in an age friendly city.