Jun, 19

June 2019 meeting of the GRA

Please join us for our June residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 10th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road.

Top of the agenda for the meeting is the Age Friendly City consultation. This isn’t just about older folk. A city that is designed for children/elderly/people of all ages is also well designed for people with a disability – be it temporary or permanent. It is estimated that 24% of Kiwis have a disability expected to last 6 months or more at any given time. So how do we make our city safe and accessible for everyone?

Are you interested in heritage? The People’s Panel is currently running a survey on heritage and would love to hear from you.

We’d love to see you on Monday the 10th!

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