GRA’s 2019 AGM

The Grafton Residents Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 5 May 4-6 pm at the Community Hall in the Liberal Catholic Church, located at the corner of Carlton Gore Road and Claremont Street.

We will host special guest speaker Cr Desley Simpson from the Ōrākei Ward, which Grafton will join as of the October local elections. See this article for more details of the boundary changes.

Nominations are open for the Committee, including the three proscribed roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer as indicated in our Rules .

Aside from our guest speaker, the formal (brief!) agenda is:

  • Approval of minutes (AGM 2018), (April 2019)
  • Chair’s report on the business of the Association
  • Treasurer’s report on the finances and the Annual Statements
  • Election of Committee Members
  • Motions to be considered
  • General Business


Do plan on joining us for the evening.


  1. Good afternoon

    I am writing to you as I have your details as a contact for an Auckland resident and ratepayer group.

    Attached is the constitution of the Federation of Ratepayers Associations of NZ, and some other relevant attachments including a recent bio of myself, and a recent news release.

    Currently the Federation is concerned that some of the spending on infrastructure by Councils to bolster employment, following the Covid 19 lockdown, could be misplaced.

    Other ratepayer and resident groups from outside of Auckland, have contacted me with concerns, and would like as many ratepayer groups to write to the Minister of Finance.

    Your group may have a concern as well and before money is allocated to Auckland Councils that residents and ratepayers are consulted so that we do not end up with money being spent on unnecessary projects.

    What we would like to do is send you a proposed letter that you can modify and add projects that you are aware in your area should not have money spent on them, while suggesting projects that money should be spent on. The letter can be sent by your group under your own heading. The Federation in the meantime can provide an overview of the NZ situation.

    Could you please respond to this email and let me know your thoughts so that an Auckland perspective is provided, and not just samples from other areas. You may also like to join the Federation and attend our upcoming agm. We would love to hear from you if you do and ensure that you are on the Secretaries mailing list.

    Kind Regards and stay safe

    John Riddell – President Federation of Ratpayers Association of NZ
    – ph 0274779750

    1. Hello John,
      We really appreciate you being in touch. Yes please do send the letter through. I’ve contact you via email.
      Martin Dickson, Secretary.

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