May, 18

Have your say on Grafton’s future

GRA is in the long process of consulting with individuals and groups within the Grafton community. It’s called the Vision Grafton project.
The purpose is to arrive at a ‘ community vision’; a statement about how we view and what we value as residents and regulars of Grafton.  It’s for Auckland Council reference in their work.
At this first stage we’re asking for opinions based on a map and card exercise which takes most individuals 5-10 mins. This is done in person – not online.
To this end we would like to invite you to drop in after work this Thursday, May 3rd between 4:30pm and 6:30pm and tell us what you love about Grafton and what you would like to see change. It will only take a few minutes, and there is easy parking on site!
We’ll be in the Community Hall of the Liberal Catholic Church located on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road.

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