Feb, 19

Have your say on Freedom Camping in Grafton

There are only two weeks left to have your say on Freedom Camping in Grafton and throughout Auckland. (Submissions close 18 February).

The fish hook is that unless it is specifically prohibited in the vehicle bylaw, freedom camping is permitted on land controlled or managed by the council. On a positive note, Outhwaite Park is proposed for exclusion. My concern? The pocket parks at the corner of Khyber Pass and Boston Road and the corner of Carlton Gore and Grafton Roads. This is land managed by the council. I see carparks covered in maps from other Wards, so how about the carpark at the top of Mt Eden Road next to Galbraith’s, the old Grafton Library?

Can you think of any other council managed land that needs to be gazetted in and around Grafton? Drop a line in the comments!

EDIT 2019-02-18

Following a thorough read of the documents and discussion at our residents meeting on Monday February 11, GRA has submitted in support of the proposed new Freedom Camping Bylaw.

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