Feb, 20

Introduction to predator trapping

Ever seen a rat in Grafton?

Keen to see fewer of them?

Come along to a free short workshop run by DOC rangers for our community:

Grafton predator free workshop

10am – 12.30, Saturday 14 March 2020

Rats and other pests threaten the survival of many native species such as wētā, snails, lizards and birds. They also carry disease and damage our homes – for example rats chew through electrical wires causing fires, damage insulation and undermine retaining walls with their borrows.

Grafton residents Krista Ferguson and Dianne Northcott have been inspired by the aims of Predator Free New Zealand and Auckland initiatives to investigate a way to reduce these pests in our community.

Krista says, “We’ve had rats in our backyard and our attic, and I regularly see them on neighbouring properties, by the pavilion in the Domain and by the rail tracks. I’m keen to see the numbers reduced to encourage more birdlife.”

Dianne says, “Living near our parks, I often see rats and hear the possums at night. Even with Council and park staff efforts, I realise this is not enough to sort the problem for Grafton. I have to get involved and we need the efforts of our neighbours too.”

To help us the Department of Conservation and Auckland Council have agreed to run this practical trapping skills workshop.

We’ll be introduced to a range of trapping tools to target possums, rats and other pests.

The workshop is short, free and no prior experience is required.

Says Dianne, “I love the potential that predator trapping offers us to work together to help both native species and ourselves. Even if you are not able to trap, there are lots of other ways people can help a community pest-free programme.”

Come along to learn how to catch unwelcome critters – and enjoy some morning tea with other Grafton trappers.

Grafton predator free workshop

10am – 12.30, Saturday 14 March 2020

Venue kindly provided by:

The Liberal Catholic Church

Corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road


Free but booking required by Friday 6 March 2020

To book:

Please email your full name and email address to

Please indicate in your email whether:

  1. you want to attend the course and learn about trapping
  2. you are not able to attend the course but
    1. you are interested in receiving updates on Grafton pest free actions
    2. you are interested in helping out the Grafton pest free efforts in other ways

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