Apr, 19

Park West update – Easter

This update is from Pete Maher, Senior Project Manager at the University of Auckland.

Dear Neighbours,

Overall progress on our Park West project has been good, especially with the long summer weather. The Park Rd wing is now enclosed. There are some louvres to be fitted to level 3 on Park Rd for the upper plant deck (which is open to the sky), and some skylights to be completed, but otherwise remaining work on this wing is now internal.

On the Park Ave wing, panels have commenced to the west facade (behind the Seafield View Rd properties), and that facade will be complete in early May. This will be followed by the crane down, probably 10-13 May. Once these dates are confirmed, we will write with further details.

We are currently preparing to undertake trenching work for external services connections across Park Rd and along the Park Rd footpath. This affects only that part of the street in front of our building. The work along the footpath will be managed by moving the pedestrian containers out into the parking bays, so that pedestrian access and health and safety measures are preserved.

The road works will result in lane closures, with trenching carried out in stages across the road. Auckland Transport requires this work to be done out of hours, and we have coordinated this with Auckland Council. All parties have agreed the desirability of achieving this over the Easter period if possible. Traffic management measures will be in place, as agreed with Auckland Transport.

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