Aug, 18

August ’18 meeting of the Grafton Residents Association

We will hold our August residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. this Monday the 13th in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road.

On the agenda this month:

The parking scheme has gone live with mixed results. (See the post linked below)

$9m worth of transport spending earmarked for Grafton, with $3m fully funded. (See the post linked below)

Auckland Council has opened consultations on the proposed boundary changes before next year’s local government elections. I haven’t had time to digest them yet, but stay tuned for a blog post here.

We’d also like your opinion on heritage issues, pests and the community garden as well. I’m hoping for an update from the University on the Park West project before Monday.

We’d love to see you there!

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