Dec, 17

Park West project update

So, I hear you say, what exactly is happening on the corner of Seafield View Road and Park Road? And, is it related to what’s happening on Park Ave, where the daycare used to be?

It is a University of Auckland development called Park West, and will involve work on the site from December 2017 until 2019.

Demolition started this week, and will continue for the next few weeks. At the same time, piling work will begin at the corner of Seafield View Road and Park Road. Vibration and acoustic monitoring (in real time) and mitigation measures are being undertaken, which means that all activities should stay within prescribed limits.

However, if there is an activity or impact which requires an immediate response, please contact the onsite project manager, Chris Fields on his mobile at 027 276 4730 or by email at

The University of Auckland Project Manager, Peter Maher, has created a public Dropbox folder for important documents related to the work, including:

  • Images from the University presentation, which took place in early November (this includes plans and perspective views of the intended building from Jasmax Architects, similar to the one at the top of this post);
  • A Seafield View Road building perspective;
  • Hawkins Construction Traffic Management Plan (including truck access routes);
  • Sun shading plans covering the summer and winter solstices, and both equinoxes.

The link to the Dropbox is here: 

If you have any questions about any part of the project, please contact the GRA, and we will happily liaise with the various parties on your behalf.

Alternatively, Peter is happy for you to contact him directly, at his email address.

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