Hello all,
We will hold our April residents meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 9, in the small conference room of the Liberal Catholic Church, on the corner of Claremont Street and Carlton Gore Road. |
We plan to discuss: |
- Outhwaite Park playground renewal – see this post about the playground!
- Project Grafton
- Upcoming GRA AGM in May
- A small but important change to the Society’s rules before next month’s AGM
Currently our 1962 rules state that we need to have our accounts audited each year, rather than reviewed. We can change this rule at a regular meeting of the society, and this will mean significant savings in the lead up to our AGM in May.
The committee’s proposed rule change is is to replace Section 7c which currently states:
The Treasurer shall bank all monies received by the Association and shall keep such usual books of account, and pay such debts of the Association as the Management Committee shall direct. At the annual general meeting he shall present a statement of receipts and expenditure, and a balance sheet for the past year ending 31st December, duly audited by a Public Accountant appointed by the Management Committee.
With a new 7c:
The Treasurer shall bank all monies received by the Association and shall keep such usual books of account, and pay such debts of the Association as the Management Committee shall direct. At the annual general meeting he shall present a statement of receipts and expenditure, and a balance sheet for the past year, duly reviewed by an accountant appointed by the Management Committee.
The Association shall appoint an accountant to review the annual financial statements of the Association (“the Reviewer”). The Reviewer shall conduct an examination with the objective of providing a report that nothing has come to the Reviewer’s attention to cause the Reviewer to believe that the financial information is not presented in accordance with the Association’s accounting policies . The Reviewer must be a suitably qualified person, preferably a member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, and must not be a member of the Committee, or an employee of the Association. If the Association appoints a Reviewer who is unable to act for some reason, the Committee shall appoint another Reviewer as a replacement. The Committee is responsible to provide the Reviewer with:
a . Access to all information o f which the Committee is aware that is relevant to the preparation of the financial statements such as records , documentation and other matters
b. Additional information that the reviewer may request from the Committee for the purpose of the review; and
c. Reasonable access to persons within the Association from whom the reviewer determines it necessary to obtain evidence.
If you have any other items you would like discussed, email to chair@grafton.org.nz |