Feb, 18

Governor William Hobson commemoration

The Friends of Symonds Street Cemetery (FSSC)  invite you to an event on Sunday 11 February 2018 at 1pm to commemorate the burial of Governor William Hobson 175 years ago and his importance in the history of Auckland – Tāmaki Makaurau

The event will be in two parts:

  • Firstly, a short ceremony at the grave of Captain William Hobson RN. (near Entrance B off Symonds Street)  followed by a free guided tour, along Hobson’s Walk, through part of the Anglican and Wesleyan sections of Symonds Street Cemetery.
  • The second part from 2.45pm, will be at a talk by Dr Paul Moon on the importance of Governor William Hobson to Auckland followed by a Heritage afternoon tea at the  Cordis Hotel (previously the Langham Hotel). As the FSSC have  very little funds the afternoon tea will be a ticketed event – $25 per person.

FSSC_Invite_v2 is the invitation showing the full programme. We sincerely hope you can join the FSSC for one or both parts of this event.

If you intend to come to the talk and afternoon tea at the Cordis Hotel , they need to receive your RSVP indicating how many tickets you would like by Friday 9 February.

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